Google GKE and SQL with terraform
Few weeks back I started testing kubernetes offerings from few cloud providers Google GKE, Amazon AWS EKS and Microsoft Azure AKS. In this 1st article we will discuss on how to spin up Kubernetes Google cloud offering and SQL PostgreSQL with Terraform, using dedicated project and terraform service-account for automated deployment.
By the end of this tutorial you should have functional version of kubernetes running on GKE and PostgreSQL using Google Cloud SQL offering.
NOTE: This tutorial is not secured and is not production ready
Tutorial is structure in 5 parts
- Initial tooling setup gcloud, kubectl and terraform
- Creating Google Cloud project and service account for terraform
- Creating back-end storage to tfstate file in Cloud Storage
- Setting up separate projects for Development and Production environments
- Creating Kubernetes cluster on GKE and PostgreSQL on Cloud SQL
NOTE: This tutorial will not describe in details every tool used.
1. Initial tooling setup gcloud, kubectl and terraform
Assuming you already have Google Cloud account we will need additional binaries for gcloud CLI,, terraform and kubectl .
Gcloud deployment differs from Linux distribution and you can follow the link to deploy for OSX and diff Linux distributions
Deploying terraform
curl -o -d /usr/local/bin/
curl > terraform_0.11.7_linux_amd64.zipunzip -d /usr/local/bin/
Verify terraform
version 0.11.7 or higher is installed:
terraform versionTerraform v0.11.7
Deploying kubectl
curl -o kubectl +x kubectlsudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
wget +x kubectlsudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
Verify kubectl
version 1.11.0 or higher is installed:
kubectl version --clientClient Version: version.Info{Major:”1", Minor:”11", GitVersion:”v1.11.0", GitCommit:”91e7b4fd31fcd3d5f436da26c980becec37ceefe”, GitTreeState:”clean”, BuildDate:”2018–06–27T20:17:28Z”, GoVersion:”go1.10.2", Compiler:”gc”, Platform:”linux/amd64"}
Authenticate to gcloud
Before configuring gcloud CLI you can check available Zones and Regions nearest to your location
gcloud compute regions list
gcloud compute zones list
Follow gcloud init and select default Zone Ex. asia-south1
gcloud init
2. Creating Google Cloud project and service account for terraform
Best practice to use separate account “technical account” to manage infrastructure, this account can be used in automated code deployment like in Jenkins, CirceleCI or any other tool you may choose.
Set up environment
export TF_VAR_org_id=YOUR_ORG_ID
export TF_VAR_billing_account=YOUR_BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID
export TF_ADMIN=terraform-admin-example
export TF_CREDS=~/.config/gcloud/terraform-admin.json
gcloud organizations list
gcloud beta billing accounts list
Create the Terraform Admin Project
Create a new project and link it to your billing account
gcloud projects create ${TF_ADMIN} \
--organization ${TF_VAR_org_id} \
--set-as-defaultgcloud beta billing projects link ${TF_ADMIN} \
--billing-account ${TF_VAR_billing_account}
Create the Terraform service account
Create the service account in the Terraform admin project and download the JSON credentials
gcloud iam service-accounts create terraform \
--display-name "Terraform admin account"gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${TF_CREDS} \
--iam-account terraform@${TF_ADMIN}
Grant the service account permission to view the Admin Project and manage Cloud Storage
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${TF_ADMIN} \
--member serviceAccount:terraform@${TF_ADMIN} \
--role roles/viewergcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${TF_ADMIN} \
--member serviceAccount:terraform@${TF_ADMIN} \
--role roles/storage.admin
Enabled API for newly created projects
gcloud services enable && \
gcloud services enable && \
gcloud services enable && \
gcloud services enable && \
gcloud services enable && \
gcloud services enable
Add organization/folder-level permissions
Grant the service account permission to create projects and assign billing accounts
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ${TF_VAR_org_id} \
--member serviceAccount:terraform@${TF_ADMIN} \
--role roles/resourcemanager.projectCreatorgcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ${TF_VAR_org_id} \
--member serviceAccount:terraform@${TF_ADMIN} \
--role roles/billing.user
3. Creating back-end storage to tfstate file in Cloud Storage
Terraform stores the state about infrastructure and configuration by default local file “terraform.tfstate. State is used by Terraform to map resources to configuration, track metadata.
Terraform allows state file to be stored remotely, which works better in a team environment or automated deployments.
We will used Google Storage and create new bucket where we can store state files.
Create the remote back-end bucket in Cloud Storage for storage of the terraform.tfstate file
gsutil mb -p ${TF_ADMIN} -l asia-southeast1 gs://${TF_ADMIN}
Enable versioning for said remote bucket:
gsutil versioning set on gs://${TF_ADMIN}
Configure your environment for the Google Cloud terraform provider
4. Setting up separate projects for Development and Production environments
In order to segregate Development environment we will use Google cloud projects that allows us to segregate infrastructure bur maintain same time same code base for terraform.
Terraform allow us to use separate tfstate file for different environment by using terraform functionality workspaces.
Let’s see current file structure
├── terraform.tfvars
- 1st step is to keep sensitive information outside external git repository. Best practice is to create terraform.tfvars and keep sensitive information and add .tfvars to .gitignore
Create terraform.tfvars file in project folder and replace “XXXXXX” with proper data. In our case tfvars files data is reference in where we keep variables for
billing_account = "XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX"
org_id = "XXXXXXXXXXX"
- allows us to use newly created Google storage bucket to keep our tfstate files.
- Variable used in terraform file
- Outputs, once terraform will deploy new infrastructure we will need some outputs that we can reuse for GKE and SQL setup
- Finally main source of the gcloud project creation
Initialize and pull terraform cloud specific dependencies
Terraform uses modular setup and in order to download specific plugin for cloud provider, terraform will need to be 1st initiated.
terraform init
- Once we have our project code and our tfvar secretes secure we can create workspaces for terraform
NOTE: in below example we will use only dev workspace but you can use both following same logic
Create dev workspace
terraform workspace new dev
List available workspaces
terraform workspace list
Switch between workspaces
terraform workspace select dev
- Terraform plan will simulate what changes terraform will be done on cloud provider
terraform plan
- Apply terraform plan for selected environment
terraform apply
With above code we only created new project in Google Cloud and this dependent of the in what terraform workspace we are in.
Below is the sequence of commands to run
5. Creating Kubernetes cluster on GKE and PostgreSQL on Cloud SQL
Once we have project ready for dev and prod we can move into deploying our gke and sql infrastructure.
Code structure
├── backend
│ ├── firewall
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├── subnet
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ └── vpc
│ ├──
│ └──
├── cloudsql
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── gke
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
Now is time to deploy our infrastructure, noticeable differences between prod and dev workspaces you can find in the terraform files.
- dev — single instance of PostgreSQL without replication and read replica
- prod — single instance in multi AZ for high availablity and additional one read replica for PostgreSQL
- dev — single kubernetes node will be added to GKE
- prod — two nodes will be created and added to kubernetes GKE
In order to keep our code clean I decided to use modules for every segment Networking(vpc, subnets and firewall), cloudsql and gke. All this modules can be maintained in separate git repositories and can be called byroot file.
All variables that is consumed by modules I keep in single file.
We will use same google storage bucket but with different prefix not to conflict with project creation terraform plan.
As terraform needs to be aware of the new projects we created in previous step we will import state from terraform 1st run.
data "terraform_remote_state" "project_id" {
backend = "gcs"
workspace = "${terraform.workspace}"
config {
bucket = "${var.bucket_name}"
prefix = "terraform-project"
We are now ready to to run our plan and create infrastructure.
- As we are in separate code base will need to follow same sequence as in project creation.
- Just make sure you have new terraform.tfvars
bucket_name = "terraform-admin-example"
gke_master_pass = "your-gke-password"
sql_pass = "your-sql-password"
Initialize and pull terraform cloud specific dependencies
terraform init
Create dev workspace
terraform workspace new dev
List available workspaces
terraform workspace list
Switch between workspaces
terraform workspace select dev
- Terraform plan will simulate what changes terraform will be done on cloud provider
terraform plan
- Apply terraform
terraform apply
To check what terraform deployed use
terraform show
Once test is completed you can remove “destroy“ all buildup infrastructure.
terraform destroy -auto-approve
Terraform Tips
- Refresh terraform
terraform refresh
- List and show terraform state file
terraform state listterraform state show
Use tflint to check syntax of the tf files
Destroy only selected module Ex.
terraform destroy -target=module.cloudsql
Source code can be found in Github